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Machine Learning course

Program focus

This course aims to introduce students to contemporary state of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It is designed to take one year (two terms at MIPT) — approximately 2 * 15 lectures and seminars.


This course aims to introduce students to the contemporary state of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. It combines theoretical foundations of Machine Learning algorithms with comprehensive practical assignments. The course covers materials from classical algorithms to Deep Learning approaches and recent achievements in the field of Artificial Intelligence. This course has the second semester, which brings the most recent achievements in the field and their applications.

State of the art approaches in different domains of Artificial Intelligence is based on Deep Learning techniques (e.g. in Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, etc.) Deep neural architectures show great potential and promise even better results, so now is definitely the time to explore this field.
In this course we will start from the basics and rapidly dive into the latest results in Deep Learning, focusing on the NLP and RL domains. This course focuses both on practical skills and theoretical background to provide the students with thorough theoretical knowledge and ability to work on their own in the Deep Learning area.

General understanding of psychology as a science.
Methodology and methods of psychology
Mind and organism
Mental properties of personality
Emotional-volitional and motivational spheres of personality
Mental cognitive processes.
Mental cognitive processes.
Individual-typological personality traits
Introduction to personality psychology
Psychological analysis of personality theories in Russian and world psychology.

Our speakers

The smartest people work every day to provide the best service and to make our clients happy.
MIPT, Harbour.Space
MIPT, Skoltech
Vladislav Goncharenko

Our partners

The program based on collaboration with our leading Russian and foreign research institutions dealing with information technologies, data science and machine learning such as:

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